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Date is set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a meeting with the t-shirt guy tomorrow evening so get your orders in and I should be able to get them shipped next week. I will know more tomorrow but they should be very cool and they are black so they should help generate some heat for all of us buried in the snow up here!
Keep your scaffold up!!!!!!


Added by Justin T. Wittwer on December 18, 2009 at 12:13am — 1 Comment

New Members and Old Friends

As I have seen an upshot in recent membership I have noticed that a lot of you are old friends that it is really cool to hear from. As I spent a short while trying to get away from this industry but have come back because I just love this stuff. I have seen my fair share of job sites with some of you and I will be digging through my picture pile later to find some of you in the archives. I Know for a fact I have a picture of Ozuna somewhere. That being said with all of you joining up here is… Continue

Added by Justin T. Wittwer on December 8, 2009 at 12:07am — No Comments

Where to find answers......defining the question

I believe that when we are asked a question sometimes we forget to breakdown the question to properly research the answer. We must look at what type of question we are facing. Most of the "OSHA" questions I am frequently asked have nothing to do with OSHA regulations at all. As professional scaffold builders we must be able to find the correct answers to the questions or at the very minimum be able to direct the inquirer to a proper source to answer the question. When asked a question we need… Continue

Added by Justin T. Wittwer on November 6, 2009 at 6:01pm — 1 Comment


I posted some really cool pictures of a job I saw at the Georgia Aquarium, which is a really cool place to go if you are even in Atlanta. It is a suspended dance floor with an exterior perimeter scaffold and stair tower access. I watched the erection crew for a little while and they were very productive. It started raining and I had to catch up with my party or I would have stopped to chat with them.

Added by Justin T. Wittwer on November 2, 2009 at 9:22pm — No Comments


the guy that has the contact for the shirts has gotten behind and getting the design and ifo to the printer. i will be working on making that happen this week and will keep everyone up to date on it.

Added by Chip Kempke on October 24, 2009 at 3:20pm — 1 Comment

Where to find information.

As I plug away at the rest of my carrer in the scaffold industry I keep comming across the same requests for information. "What does OSHA says about spanning tubes?" or "How long can my horizontal be before I need to use a truss bearer?" I wanted to make sure all of us insiders are clear on where to go when we start searching for answers to these questions and other that plauge us. Before you whip out the total BS answer that you heard from that one guy you worked with back in '68 I think we… Continue

Added by Justin T. Wittwer on October 17, 2009 at 7:54pm — 3 Comments


With the scaffolds I have seen everywhere, I am of the belife that all Builders should have to sucessfully complete 3 hangers, 3 stand alone, and 3 multi angle slope bottom tanks out of BETCO. All of them have to be at least 3 lifts tall. In order for them to count as sucessful, they must be completed in a timly mannner, plumb, square, and level. I shutter to see scaffold in the public area such as side walks that are crooked, unlevel and missing basic parts. Just a thought for improving the… Continue

Added by Tracy DeBerg on October 7, 2009 at 9:57am — 3 Comments

Day in The life

Worked on a job today that had multiple types of scaffold on it and saw the Plus8 systems from Scotland, I think. It is different no diagonal braces and I guess you can do an 11' long bay with it (or whatever the metric equivalent is) The legs have a sleeve type connector so the bottom of the leg is fatter than the rest. Different, not better, just different. If a wedge type modular system had a baby with Cuplok it would look like this stuff. Got to put up a swing stage today. Haven't done that… Continue

Added by Justin T. Wittwer on October 2, 2009 at 8:33pm — 1 Comment

Welcome Newbies

Welcome everyone! This is a basic concept that needs a lot of help to get off the ground. Please invite anyone who you know in the trade or used to be in the trade to help get this thing going. I would really like us to get a single place to find information and ask other people questions, share stories and just hang out with people who know what you are talking about. Please invite everyone and any one who is or was a scaffold builder. Thanks for joining up and hope to provide some cool stuff… Continue

Added by Justin T. Wittwer on September 22, 2009 at 5:35pm — No Comments

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