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Justin T. Wittwer's Blog – December 2009 Archive (5)

Working Dilligently on the Store

I am working hard in my time not spent doing billing (yuck) for my day job working on the store. I have 2 format of t-shirts on order and hopefully they will be finished this week-end so I can start shipping on Monday. i was hoping to have them ready by Christmas but no avail. maybe someday serving you fine folks will be my full time job, but until then I'll just have to make some time. I do have a few ratchets to sell and a few ideas about things besides t-shirts that I think you guys may… Continue

Added by Justin T. Wittwer on December 30, 2009 at 9:13pm — No Comments

Reflections and other oddities 2009

AS I am sitting here trying to come with something worth writing about about I must admit I am a little dismayed at the current trend of the larger companies in becoming more diversified and trying to do more things like insulation and other items not scaffold related. I must admit I am from the old school of do one thing and do it well. I'm not sure that I would be a good insulator or an electrician, but I understand I am a pretty fair scaffold builder. I look at the things I am currently… Continue

Added by Justin T. Wittwer on December 23, 2009 at 12:51am — 1 Comment

God bless the Internet

God bless the internet for giving good advice on how to build a frame scaffold. Now we all need to find other jobs...except you engineers and manufacturer reps..... check it out this is quite funny.…


Added by Justin T. Wittwer on December 18, 2009 at 6:27pm — 1 Comment

Date is set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a meeting with the t-shirt guy tomorrow evening so get your orders in and I should be able to get them shipped next week. I will know more tomorrow but they should be very cool and they are black so they should help generate some heat for all of us buried in the snow up here!
Keep your scaffold up!!!!!!


Added by Justin T. Wittwer on December 18, 2009 at 12:13am — 1 Comment

New Members and Old Friends

As I have seen an upshot in recent membership I have noticed that a lot of you are old friends that it is really cool to hear from. As I spent a short while trying to get away from this industry but have come back because I just love this stuff. I have seen my fair share of job sites with some of you and I will be digging through my picture pile later to find some of you in the archives. I Know for a fact I have a picture of Ozuna somewhere. That being said with all of you joining up here is… Continue

Added by Justin T. Wittwer on December 8, 2009 at 12:07am — No Comments



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