
Stay Up, Stay Safe, Stay Connected

AS I am sitting here trying to come with something worth writing about about I must admit I am a little dismayed at the current trend of the larger companies in becoming more diversified and trying to do more things like insulation and other items not scaffold related. I must admit I am from the old school of do one thing and do it well. I'm not sure that I would be a good insulator or an electrician, but I understand I am a pretty fair scaffold builder. I look at the things I am currently tasked with and try to imagine if i have to learn a new trade on top of this one, while trying to perfect the one I already have. Makes my brain hurt. While I understand the theory of not putting all of your eggs in one basket , I would rather do one thing exceptionally well than 3 things average. Just an observation about the trends I see. Keep you pins up jacks screwed tight and your planks wired down. Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year to all of you!!!


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Comment by HAROLD F. PARKER III on January 12, 2010 at 11:20am
I agree with you!! I am from the old school as well and now that I am in the sales side of things I really look forward to going and doing some training for customers when I am afforded the chance to do so. I never had to cross train and I am glad of it!!!! Just do scaffolding and do it well!! And I always look forward to learning something else in the scaffold industry. Hope your new year is prosperous.



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