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In the intrest of keeping things interesting around here I would like to hear any recommendations you may have about tools. All sorts of tools: from levels to scaffold wrenches....skil saws to hand saw...cordless tools to corded tools. I know everyone has a favorite but I wonder if you can explain why.

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Hammers -
Scaffold Wrenches -
Open End Box End Wrenches -
Cordless Power Tools -
I like my 20 oz. Short Handled Fat Max Hammer. Has a smooth face and a flat head so I can use the side to tap in wedges.

Justin T. Wittwer said:
Hammers -
My FUBAR wrecking tool by Stanley. Its a hammer, it can twist jacks under load, it can wedge 5 pans across a bay at a time, it can lever ledgers into place, it only weighs 22oz, it only cost $40 bucks, it'll never break like the estwing did and it irritates traditionalist types who think its pretentious...until they try it.
Nice....real nice. So it works well? I am one of the traditioanlists that you refered to. I use a short handled FatMax 20 oz. but the emphasis is on the short handle. I don't like the long handle ones cause they smack my leg when I walk.

Guy Rippingale said:
My FUBAR wrecking tool by Stanley. Its a hammer, it can twist jacks under load, it can wedge 5 pans across a bay at a time, it can lever ledgers into place, it only weighs 22oz, it only cost $40 bucks, it'll never break like the estwing did and it irritates traditionalist types who think its pretentious...until they try it.
yep it smacks my leg when i walk - its got a long handle. I don't think I've seen a short handled fatmax...maybe they don't sell them in Oz. Anyway the fubar is winning over a few converts, although most of us use claw hammers and podgers. theres only 5 of us that have the fubars...for now...
Cordless Sawzall - Walk onto a jobsite with one of these and you will see some guys eyes light up. It works well on trimming wood decks and toeboard. But you cannot leave them with metal cutting blades, that gives the term "demo a scaffold" a whole new meaning. Really handy if, for example, someone builds an entire scaffold chase on a hot line and it is going to move when the unit comes down. We just came in and trimmed the plywood out a little more to allow for the movement (and we got rid of that idiot).
Touche salesman, touche. We too have learned the value of the cordless sawzall. I am currently running a contest to see which will last longer the Milwaukee or the De Walt. I hate De Walt, nothing like paying too much just because its yellow and black.
Ryobi Cordless tools,even the green ones, are great for hobbys but not good for serious job site work. We are currently running a test between DeWalt and Milwauke Cordless tools to see which ones give better overall results and which on lasts longer. I'll keep you guys posted of our findings.

Justin T. Wittwer said:
Cordless Power Tools -
Everybody who knows me has been waiting for this one. I am a very firm believer in Tubelox wrenches from Harsco (Patent) they are expensive as hell but I have one that I have had for years. If maintained I am convinced they will last forever. Only thing I don't like about 'em is the price.....

Don't like the Snap On wrench because of the roller skate brake hammer part, but the are a very solid wrench that will stand up to what we can dish out. DO like the new ones that have the deep socket on them. Good idea if you are doing a lot of work with frame scaffold.

Justin T. Wittwer said:
Scaffold Wrenches -

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