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Hey there.
I´m a scaffolder from Denmark (who now lives in Sweden).
Just curious: How much does a scaffolder earn in the States?? Is there a big difference throughout all the US??
Just wondering :-)
By the way, a danish scaffolder is paid approximately 36.5 $ an hour (thats before taxes) :-)
But we do often get paid by the piece, and we are then able to make up to 55 $ an hour.
Be safe out there....
LOL! as lon as its cold & wet mate' i,ll enjoy it.
Im originally from Wales, you wont like the beer over here!
gonna be coming to the USA in the spring and looking to see the country and do some work at the same time. looks like i'll have to buy a new set of spanners in the U.S. size fitting and get a union membership when i arrive. really looking fwd to working alongside my american fellow scaffys. keep that beer cold!
I hear the pay on Rigs varies wildly. I've heard as low as $12USD per hour up to $30 per hour. If it's not Union you will probably not make anymore than $18 an hour.
Oh and everythings imperial measurements here. 7/8" ratchet (or spanner, depending on what side of the pond you're on) works on most systems, 22mm.
Appologies for butting in on your conversation. I work at a power plant in Southern Indiana. We have a BP Refinery in Northern Indiana (Whiting, In). My company is running about 1000 guys there alone. Refineries, Steel Mills and power plants are where the moneys at here. UNION ALL THE WAY!!
i was thinking of going straight to arizona and then go wherever i hear is good and i can turn a spanner. want to see everywhere eventually even though that might take a while. you would be able to fit the island of britain into a small corner of florida so i might be over there for some time. have you heard what the pays like on the rigs?
thats a pity as i'm a stricktly bamboo n string man myself. guess i'll have to get up to update sometime. LOL! do you know anything about the land based oil/gas rigs? sure they must use a fair bit of scaff. was wondering what the pay was like there. my dads american, from arizona but i lost touch about 10 years ago so thought i might av a look around for him and see the country at the same time. never been to the U.S. before and looking fwd to it. but not being rich gonna have to work my way around. working with tube & fitt (clamp) now but av used cuplok & kwikstage ststems before. gonna need a new spanner though as we use a 7/16 in the U.K. Lookin fwd to hookin up with nelly when i finally get there as i think shes got the hots for me!!!
whoooeee! PMSL
It's union work in Alaska, the scale is the same year 'round.
We use a wide variety of scaffolds through out the US. Frame, system, cuplock, tube and clamp, you name it we use it. Well maybe not so much the bamboo stuff LOL.
Most spanners are 7/8" inch.
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