
Stay Up, Stay Safe, Stay Connected

For all of our American members Happy Thanksgiving! May you be able to enjoy friends and family on this day of thanks. One of the things I am thankful for is the membership here, and the diversity herein. Members from 3 continents gathering together to feed each other information is a great thing. Thanks to all of you who have provided content for this site. For the builders, by the builders.

The latest shipment of goods is in and the new T shirts are way cool. They say "Step Up or Go home" on the back and they are in our famous black t-shirts. We also have an all black hoodie that has the same thing on the back with "" down the right sleeve. They look sweet and will make great Christmas gifts for all of you and your friends in the industry. Check them out in the store and order today to receive in time for Christmas. For all of you who had pre-orders, check your mail box next week as I am getting them out on Monday.

Due to the economy my position with my current employer ha changed, but I am fortunate enough to still have a job. It just means I get to spend more time with some of my favorite ScaffoldBuilders and learn from them and teach them all I can. For all of those who don't have work right now. Keep checking back as I am trying to find and post more jobs here for all of us to see.

This is all I know for now. Remember to Stay Up, Stay safe and Stay Connected.


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