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Worked on a job today that had multiple types of scaffold on it and saw the Plus8 systems from Scotland, I think. It is different no diagonal braces and I guess you can do an 11' long bay with it (or whatever the metric equivalent is) The legs have a sleeve type connector so the bottom of the leg is fatter than the rest. Different, not better, just different. If a wedge type modular system had a baby with Cuplok it would look like this stuff. Got to put up a swing stage today. Haven't done that in awhile but it was fun. Had 2 other guys working with me that made it more fun. Tried out some t-shirt slogans on the boiler makers and they seemed to go over well so keep checking in on to see which ones make the cut for the finals. Also anyone who has an idea for the new boiler animal design I'm all ears. I think the tired old dog, as cool as he is, needs a rest and we need something that better represents us in a boiler. You can post an ideas you want to share here or send them to me at
Have a great week-end and try to stay warm it is getting cold in the Midwest.


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Comment by Justin T. Wittwer on October 7, 2009 at 10:13pm
Off Days. I'm having one of those days where I can't seem to do anything right.



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